news of death

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raajioon. “Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return”.

We have received sad news that Marhuma Munawar Begum has, by the will of Allah (swt), passed away in Peterborough on Friday 8th July 2016.

Marhuma was the beloved mother of Brother Shabir Shah and the mother-in-law of Brother Ali Shah.

Programme for burial Saturday 9th July 2016:

1.11pm Zohrain Jamaat Namaaz followed by Namaaz e Mayyit

2.45pm Depart from the Centre

3.00pm Burial will take place at Eastfield Road Cemetery

Address: Easfield Cemetery, Eastfield Road, Eastfield, Peterborough. PE1 4RE.

After the burial Mo’mineen are kindly requested to return to the  centre for Fatiya Khani. Please listen to the Jamaat ansaphone (01733 566024) for burial updates. Mo’mineen are requested to remember the Marhuma in their du’as, and with a Surah Fateha.

“Increase your remembrance of death, and the day you will come out from your graves, and the Day you will stand before Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, and calamities will be lessened for you”

Imam Ali a.s