Husaini Preschool

Husaini Preschool wish to appeal if any brothers and sisters have any clothes to give as a fund raising activity for the Preschool and are also collecting Tesco and Sainsburys School Vouchers.

Kindly drop clothes donations in the Library Portacabin (open during the day/evening) in the car park and the vouchers in one of the collection boxes which have been placed in the Ladies and Gents imambarghah or along with the clothes collection.

Visitors are welcome with appointment (telephone Husaini Preschool Manager sister Fatemah to arrange an appointment).

Thank you in advance from the children of Husaini Preschool.

Husaini Preschool, 2 Burton Street, Peterborough, PE1 5HD

T. 01733 896 861 (9:30am – 12:30pm)  M. 0796 942 8601