
British Museum:

Husaini Madrasah is organising a trip to the British Museum on 10th March 2012 for students in Junior 2 onwards, the cost for students is £10. Letters have been distributed via your children, please send your confirmation slip as soon as possible. Students will be required to bring a packed lunch and can bring up to £5 spending money.

Calendar Date Changes – 2012:

Please note also there has been some changes in the Calendar for February 2012:

11th February is now Tareekh and Akhlaq and Milad un Nabi programme has been moved to 25th February.

18th February Closed for Half Term.

Project Deadline has now been moved to 21st April 2012, Project Letter attached for all Age categories:

Important Messages:

  • Mobile phones will be held by teachers until the end of each lesson.
  • No students permitted out of the compound without parent’s permission during Madrasah time from 09:50am to 01:45pm.


Madrasah Admin Team