
The Husaini Islamic Centre of Peterborough cordially invites you to attend a special Candlelight Vigil for peace on Saturday 9th November 2013 in Cathedral Square, Peterborough.  The programme will commence at 3:15pm.

We are gathering on the day to commemorate the tragic historical events of Ashura, an event which resonates till today.

We remember how one man and his small group of devout companions sacrificed their lives for the sake of justice and human rights in face of adversity.

While this is a tragedy that took place over 1400 years ago, this annual gathering for communal and individual mourning has lasted the test of time. Edward Gibbon writes explaining this timeless event, “In a distant age and climate the tragic scene of the death of Husayn will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.”

In his death he inspired millions around the world and his message of selfless compassion lives on. Mahatma Gandhi reflects how he had “learnt from Husayn how to achieve victory while being oppressed.”

So in the name of Husayn, this great Imam and inspirational leader, we would be honoured if you could join us in this remembrance vigil.

Please contact Brother Sarfaraz Mavani for further details on safmav@hotmail.com or 07980548616.
